Mark Carney, heir to the Canadian throne, such as it is, is indeed wrestling with a difficult problem in his 2021 book
Value(s) — or even a difficult set of problems. The title indicates as much (or, more accurately, the presumptuous subtitle): “Building a Better World for All.” We should first note in evaluating the quality of Carney’s thought (as we should, given his desire and likely opportunity to lead our fair land), that this is a very difficult set of nuts to crack: “building,” “better,” and “for all,” and that success in such a venture is tantamount to the actions of a veritable world redeemer or saviour. The question that then arises should then clearly be “is Mr. Carney up to such a task?” Our initial position with regard to that question should be one of extreme doubt and skepticism, given that very few, if any, have ever demonstrated such truly awe-inspiring ability.
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