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Century-old photoelectric effect inspires a new search for quantum gravity

According to quantum mechanics, our universe is like a Lego set. All matter particles, as well as particles such as light that act as messengers between them, come in discrete blocks of energy. By rearranging these blocks, it is possible to build everything we observe around us.

Well, almost everything. Gravity, a crucial piece of the universe, is missing from the quantum Lego set. But while there is still no quantum theory of gravity, the challenge of detecting its signatures now looks a little more manageable thanks to a proposed experiment that takes inspiration from the photoelectric effect, which Albert Einstein used to prove the quantum nature of light more than a century ago.

History revisited

Quantum mechanics and general relativity each, independently, provide accurate descriptions of our universe – but only at short and long distances, respectively. Bridging the two is one of the deepest problems facing physics, with tentative theories approaching it from different perspectives.

However, all efforts of describing a quantum theory of gravity agree on one thing: if gravity is quantum, then it, too, must have a particle that carries its force in discrete packages, just as other forces do.

In the latest study, which is described in Nature Communications, Germain Tobar and Sreenath K Manikandan of Sweden’s Stockholm University, working with Thomas Beitel and Igor Pikovski of the Stevens Institute of Technology, US, propose a new experiment that could show that gravity does indeed come in these discrete packages, which are known as gravitons.

The principle behind their experiment parallels that of the photoelectric effect, in which light shining on a material causes it to emit discrete packets of energy, one particle at a time, rather than in a continuous spectrum. Similarly, the Stockholm-Stevens team proposes using massive resonant bars that have been cooled and tuned to vibrate if they absorb a graviton from an incoming gravitational wave. When this happens, the column’s quantum state would undergo a transition that can be detected by a quantum sensor.

“We’re playing the same game as photoelectric effect, except instead of photons – quanta of light – energy is exchanged between a graviton and the resonant bar in discrete steps,” Pikovski explains.

“Still hard, but not as hard as we thought”

While the idea of using resonant bars to detect gravitational waves dates back to the 1960s, the possibility of using it to detect quantum transitions is new. “We realized if you change perspectives and instead of measuring change in position, you measure change in energy in the quantum state, you can learn more,” Pikovski says.

A key driver of this perspective shift is the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, or LIGO, which detects gravitational waves by measuring tiny deviations in the length of the interferometer’s arms as the waves pass through them. Thanks to LIGO, Pikovski says, “We not only know when gravitational waves are detected but also [their] properties such as frequency.”

Aerial photo of the Hanford detector site of LIGO, showing a building in the centre of the image and two long interferometer arms stretching into the distance of a desert-like landscape
Data collection: The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detects gravitational waves produced when massive distant objects, such as neutron stars and black holes, collide. (Courtesy: Caltech/MIT/LIGO Lab)

In their study, Pikovski and colleagues used LIGO’s repository of gravitational-wave data to narrow down the frequency and energy range of typical gravitational waves. This allowed them to calculate the type of resonant bar required to detect gravitons. LIGO could also help them cross-correlate any signals they detect.

“When these three ingredients—resonant bar as a macroscopic quantum detector, detecting quantum transitions using quantum sensors and cross-correlating detection with LIGO— are taken altogether, it turns out detecting a graviton is still hard but not as hard as we thought,” Pikovski says.

Within reach, theoretically

For most known gravitational wave events, the Stockholm-Stevens scientists say that the number of gravitons their proposed device could detect is small. However, for neutron star-neutron star collisions, a quantum transition in reasonably-sized resonant bars could be detected for one in every three collisions, they say.

Carlo Rovelli, a theorist at the University of Aix-Marseille, France who was not involved in the study, agrees that “the goal of quantum gravity observations seem within reach”. He adds that the work “shows that the arguments claiming that it should be impossible to find evidence for single-graviton exchange were wrong”.

Frank Wilczek, a theorist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), US who was also not involved in the study, is similarly positive. For a consistent theory that respects quantum mechanics and general relativity, he says, “it can be interpreted that this experiment would prove the existence of gravitons and that the gravitational field is quantized”.

So when are we going to start detecting?

On paper, the experiment shows promise. But actually building a massive graviton detector with measurable quantum transitions will be anything but easy.

Part of the reason for this is that a typical gravitational wave shower can consist of approximately zillions of gravitons. Just as the pattern of individual raindrops can be heard as they fall on a tin roof, carefully prepared resonant bars should, in principle, be able to detect individual incoming gravitons within these gravitational wave showers.

But for this to happen, the bars must be protected from noise and cooled down to their least energetic state. Otherwise, such tiny energy changes may be impossible to observe.

Vivishek Sudhir, an expert in quantum measurements at MIT who was not part of the research team, describes it as “an enormous practical challenge still, one that we do not currently have the technology for”.

Similarly, quantum sensing has been achieved in resonators, but only at much smaller masses than the tens of kilograms or more required to detect gravitons. The team is, however, working on a potential solution: Tobar, a PhD student at Stockholm and the study’s lead author, is devising a version of the experiment that would send the signal from the bars to smaller masses using transducers – in effect, meeting the quantum sensing challenge in the middle. “It’s not something you can do today, but I would guess we can achieve it within a decade or two,” Pikovski says.

Sudhir agrees that quantum measurements and experiments are rapidly progressing. “Keep in mind that only 15 years ago, nobody imagined that tangibly macroscopic systems would even be prepared in quantum states,” he says. “Now, we can do that.”

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Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum

Earlier this year, the start of the Paris Olympics was marked by the ceremonial relay of the Olympic torch. You’ll have to wait until 2028 for the next Olympics, but in the meantime there’s the International Year of Quantum (IYQ) in 2025, which also features a torch relay. In keeping with the quantum theme, however, this light source is very, very small.

The light source is currently on tour around 12 different quantum labs around Europe as part of IYQ and last week I visited the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge, UK, where it was on stop eight of what’s dubbed QuanTour. It’s a project of the German Physical Society (DPG), organised by Doris Reiter from the Technical University of Dortmund and Tobias Heindel from the Technical University of Berlin.

According to Mete Atatüre, who leads the Quantum Optical Materials and Systems (QOMS) group at Cambridge and in whose lab QuanTour is based, one of the project’s aims is to demystify quantum science. “I think what we need to do, especially in the year of quantum, is to have a change of style.” he says. “So that we focus not on the weirdness of quantum but on what it can actually bring us.”

Indeed, though it requires complex optical apparatus and must be cooled with helium, the Quantour light source itself looks like an ordinary computer chip. It is in fact an array of quantum dots, each emitting single photons when illuminated by a laser. “It’s really meant to show off that you can use quantum dots as a plug in light source” explains Christian Schimpf, a postdoc in the Quantum Engineering Group in Cambridge, who showed me around the lab where QuanTour is spending its time in England.

The light source is right at home in the Cambridge lab, where quantum dots are a key area of research. The team is working on networking applications, where the goal is to transmit quantum information over long distances, preferably using existing fibre-optic networks. In fibre optics, the signal is amplified regularly along the route, but quantum networks can’t do this – the so-called “no-cloning” theorem means it’s impossible to create a copy of an unknown quantum state.

The solution is to create a long-distance communication link from many short-distance entanglements. The challenge for scientists in the Cambridge lab, Schimpf explains, is to build ensembles of entangled qubits that can “store quantum bits on reasonable time scales.” He’s talking about just a few milliseconds, but this is still a significant challenge, requiring cooling close to absolute zero and precise control over the fabrication process.

Elsewhere in the Cavendish Laboratory, scientists in the quantum group are investigating platforms for quantum sensing, where changes to single quantum states are used to measure tiny magnetic fields. Attractive materials for this include diamond and some 2D materials, where quantum spin states trapped at crystal defects can act as qubits. Earlier this year Physics World spoke to Hannah Stern, a former postdoc in Atatüre’s group, who won an award from the Institute of Physics for her research on quantum sensing with hexagonal boron nitride, which she began in Cambridge.

I also spoke to Dorian Gangloff, head of the quantum engineering group, who described his recent work on nonlinear quantum optics. Nonlinear optical effects are generally only observed with high-power light sources such as lasers, but Gangloff’s team is trying to engineer these effects in single photons. Nonlinear quantum optics could be used to shift the frequency of a single photon or even split it into an entangled pair.

When asked about the existing challenges of rolling out quantum technologies, Atatüre points out that when quantum mechanics was first conceived, the belief was: “Of course we’ll never be able to see this effect, but if we did, what would the experimental result look like?” Thanks to decades of work however, it is indeed possible to see quantum science in action, as I did In Cambridge. Atatüre is confident that researchers will be able to take the next step – building useful technologies with quantum phenomena.

At the end of this week, QuanTour’s time in Cambridge will be up. If you missed it, you’ll have to head to University College Cork in Ireland, where it will be spending the next leg of its journey with the group of Emanuele Pelucchi.


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Data-intensive PhDs at LIV.INNO prepare students for careers outside of academia

LIV.INNO, Liverpool Centre for Doctoral Training for Innovation in Data-Intensive Science, offers students fully-funded PhD studentships across a broad range of research projects from  medical physics to quantum computing. All students receive training in high-performance computing, data analysis, and machine learning and artificial intelligence. Students also receive career advice and training in project management, entrepreneurship and communication skills – preparing them for careers outside of academia.

This podcast features the accelerator physicist Carsten Welsch, who is head of the Accelerator Science Cluster at the University of Liverpool and director of LIV.INNO, and the computational astrophysicist Andreea Font  who is a deputy director of LIV.INNO.

They chat with Physics World’s Katherine Skipper about how LIV.INNO provides its students with a wide range of skills and experiences – including a six-month industrial placement.

This podcast is sponsored by LIV.INNO, the Liverpool Centre for Doctoral Training for Innovation in Data-Intensive Science.


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Operando NMR methods for redox flow batteries and ammonia synthesis

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Magnetic resonance methods, including nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), are non-invasive, atom-specific, quantitative, and capable of probing liquid and solid-state samples. These features make magnetic resonance ideal tools for operando measurement of an electrochemical device, and for establishing structure-function relationships under realistic condition.

The first part of the talk presents how coupled inline NMR and EPR methods were developed and applied to unravel rich electrochemistry in organic molecule-based redox flow batteries. Case studies performed on low-cost and compact bench-top systems are reviewed, demonstrating that a bench-top NMR has sufficient spectral and temporal resolution for studying degradation reaction mechanisms, monitoring the state of charge, and crossover phenomena in a working RFB. The second part of the talk presents new in situ NMR methods for studying Li-mediated ammonia synthesis, and the direct observation of lithium plating and its concurrent corrosion, nitrogen splitting on lithium metal, and protonolysis of lithium nitride. Based on these insights, potential strategies to optimize the efficiencies and rates of Li-mediated ammonia synthesis are discussed. The goal is to demonstrate that operando NMR and EPR methods are powerful and general and can be applied for understanding the electrochemistry underpinning various applications.

An interactive Q&A session follows the presentation.

Evan Wenbo Zhao is a tenured assistant professor at the Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen in the Netherlands. His core research focuses on developing operando/in situ NMR methods for studying electrochemical storage and conversion chemistries, including redox flow batteries, electrochemical ammonia synthesis, carbon-dioxide reduction, and lignin oxidation. He has led projects funded by the Dutch Research Council Open Competition Program, Bruker Collaboration, Radboud-Glasgow Collaboration Grants, the Mitacs Globalink Research Award, and others. After receiving his BS from Nanyang Technological University, he completed a PhD in chemistry with Prof. Clifford Russell Bowers at the University of Florida. Evan’s postdoc was with Prof. Dame Clare Grey at the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge.


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US Department of Energy announces new Fermilab contractor

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A consortium of universities and companies has been awarded the contract to manage and operate Fermilab, the US’s premier particle-physics facility. The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced on 1 October that the new contractor, Fermi Forward Discovery Group, LLC (FFDV), will take over operation of the lab from 1 January 2025.

FFDV consists of Fermilab’s current contractor – the University of Chicago and Universities Research Association (URA), a consortium of research universities – as well as the industrial firms Amentum Environment & Energy, Inc. and Longenecker & Associates. The conglomerate’s initial contract will last for five years but “exemplary performance” running the lab could extend that by a further decade.

“We are honoured that the Department of Energy has selected FermiForward to manage Fermilab after a rigorous contract process,” University of Chicago president Paul Alivisatos told Physics World. “FermiForward represents a new approach that brings together the best parts of Fermilab with two new industry partners, who bring broad expertise from a deep bench from across the DOE complex.”

Alivisatos notes that the inclusion of Amentum and Longenecker will strengthen the management capability of the consortium given the companies’ “exemplary record of accomplishment in project management, operations, and safety.” Longenecker, a female-led company based in Las Vegas, is part of the managerial teams currently running Sandia, Los Alamos, and Savannah River national laboratories. Virginia-based Amentum, meanwhile, has a connection to Fermilab through Greg Stephens, its former vice president, who is now Fermilab’s chief operating officer.

The choice of the new contractor comes after Fermilab has faced a series of operating and budget challenges. In 2021, the institution scored low marks on a DOE assessment of its operations. A year later, complaints emerged that the lab’s leadership was restricting access to its campus despite reduced concern about the spread of COVID-19. In July, a group of Fermilab staff whistleblowers claimed that a series of problems indicated that the lab was “doomed” without a change of management. And in late August, the lab underwent a period of limited operations to reduce a budgetary shortfall.

The Fermilab staff whistleblowers, however, see little change in the DOE’s selection of FFDV. Indeed, the key members of FFDV – the University of Chicago and URA – made up Fermi Research Alliance, the previous contractor that has overseen Fermilab’s operations since 2007.

“We understand that the only reaction by DOE to our investigative report is that of coaching the University of Chicago’s teams that steward the university’s relationships with the national labs,” the group wrote in a letter to Geraldine Richmond, DOE’s Undersecretary for Science and Innovation, which has been seen by Physics World. “By doing so, the DOE is once again showing that it is for the status-quo.”

The DOE hasn’t revealed how many bids it received or other details about the contract award. In a statement to Physics World it noted that it “cannot discuss the contract at the current time because of business sensitive information”. Fermilab declined to comment for the story.

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